Black and White Sharma

Black and White Sharma

Sharma focusing and getting ready for the next problem at the Bouldering World Cup. Each climber had 6 minutes to complete a single problem and were not allowed to look at the problem beforehand. Vail, CO.
Dan Dalton
on Jun 17, 2008 12:04 am
Image Type(s): Bouldering
Image ID: 413089


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mehrdad - Jun 18, 2008 3:05 pm - Voted 10/10

Dear Dan

So, he is resting now. yes?
He has a good gesture, realy slinky.
Did you own take this photo of him?
If you took, what`s its date?
good job.
Thank`s for sharing.
Regards, mehrdad.

Dan Dalton

Dan Dalton - Jun 27, 2008 12:33 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Dear Dan

This photo was actual taken by a friend of mine, Matt Sussenbach. Sharma is indeed resting, the competitors had to look away from the problems (towards the crowd) until the whistle was blown. Glad you like the shot,


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