Alam Kooh Additions and Corrections

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Casas - Aug 10, 2016 12:53 am - Hasn't voted

Fee or permit for foreigners

August 2016. I was in the new hut after Roodbarak, without guide or tour, and I was told that I had to pay a permit of 30$ or 1000000IRR to climb Alam kooh. After much discussion about this stupid discrimination (iranions pay NOTHING) and arguing about where was the money collected this way going to end, I paid under police calls threats.

My advice is, if you don't want to pay the fee, enter the valleys that lead to hesarchal (south slopes of alam kooh) or sarchal (to climb through the north face) without being seen, either very early in the morning when the guard sleeps or late in the night after 11pm. Be aware that if you come with your own car this means you are not going to be able to park inside the hut, as it is usual, but you can park after, even the path is not good and lots of goats and sheep will caress your car.

gregorioinvrea - Jan 11, 2017 7:57 am - Hasn't voted

Climbs in Elburz 60 years ago

I was in Alam Kooh group in august 1957 with three other italian friends.
We climbed Siah Kaman and Chaloon by iranian routes, and Takt-i-Suleiman, Chane Kooh, Alam Kooh,Kersan 1&2 probably by new routes.
In addition we tried a new route on the NW face of Alam kooh and were rejected by a strong Storm, after not more than 200 meters, difficulty from 3° to 5°.
I notice that this activity is not mentioned in the list of ascents in your site. Have anybody a comment or explanation ?
Thanks, Gregorio Invrea

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