Advanced Search Tutorial 3

Advanced Image Search Example

This page assumes that you have already read Advanced Search Tutorial 1 and have a basic understanding of the advanced search form.

Problem: Find all images of type "Rock Climbing" with the word "Peak" in the name or caption, that were taken within 100 miles of the zip code 80301 and order them by most recently posted.


Step 1: Type in your search term "Peak" and select "Rock Climbing" as the Image Type

Figure 1: Locate the "Image Type" option and select the "Rock Climbing" after entering your search term "Peak".

Step 2: Locate the "Distance" option and choose "100"

Figure 1: Locate the "Distance" option and select "100". You can leave miles or select kilometers.

Step 3: Enter the Zip Code in the Distance text box and select "Creation Date" as the order by option

Figure 1: Enter the Zip Code in the Distance text box and select "Creation Date" as the order by option.

Step 4: Lastly, Hit the "Go" button and revel in the Awesome power of the search interface

Figure 1: Go back up and hit the "Go" button. The results of the search are shown here.

For reference, here is a link to the results generated by this search