Page Type Page Type: Trip Report
Location Lat/Lon: 38.99503°N / 108.61241°W
Date Date Climbed/Hiked: Jan 1, 2024


This is just a simple log to keep track of our 2024 trips.

See the 2023 Trip Log for 2023

See the 2022 Trip Log for 2022

See the 2021 Trip Log for 2021

See the 2020 Trip Log for 2020

See the 2019 Trip Log for 2019

See the 2018 Trip Log for 2018

See the 2017 Trip Log for 2017.

See the 2016 Trip Log for 2016.

See the 2015 Trip Log for 2015.

See the 2014 Trip Log for 2014.

See the 2013 Trip Log for 2013.

See the 2012 Trip Log for 2012.

See the 2011 Trip Log for 2011.

See the 2010 Trip Log for 2010.

See the 2009 Trip Log for 2009.

See the 2008 Trip Log for 2008.


May 29: Mount Bross (Colorado)

After work I did another routine hike of Mt. Bross is Grand County and enjoyed the perfect weather and views.

May 28: Mount Bross (Colorado)

After work I did a sunset climb of Mount Bross (the one in Grand County, not the 14er). The views were nice, but I was on tip just after sunset (I wanted to make the top before sunset.

May 24-27: West Canyon (Utah/Arizona)

May 23: Sevenmile Canyon (Utah)

Justin, Kim, and I did a short hike to and along the rim of Sevenmile Canyon on our way to Page Arizona. Unfortunately my phone was about dead so I only got two photos.

May 22: Red Mountain (Colorado)

On my way home from my work project I climbed Red Mountain near Kremmling.

May 21: Mount Bross (Colorado)

In the evening and after work I hiked up Mount Bross in Grand County (not the 14er). Sometimes it was socked in and snowing and sometimes there were nice views. The higher peaks were all obscured by clouds though so views were limited.

May 20: Junction Butte (Colorado)

In the evening and on my way to my work project I stopped to climb Junction Butte near Kremmling.

May 19: Big Dominguez Canyon (Colorado)

In the afternoon Kim and I hiked up Big Dominguez Canyon. It was a warm, but beautiful afternoon. The cactus flowers are out and there we enjoyed the great scenery, waterfalls, and petroglyphs.

May 18: Upper Liberty Cap Trail (Colorado)

Kim and I hiked the Upper Liberty Cap Trail after stopping at some overlooks along the way. Luckily it was cloudy and with some light rain since it is getting pretty warm in the afternoons now. We saw several elk as well. We don't see them often in this area.

May 17: Peak 8260 (Colorado)

On my way back from Granby I stopped to climb Peak 8260, a new one for me. I was dragging due to recovering from a nasty infection, but it was a good hike.

May 16: Granby Trails (Colorado)

Nothing exciting; I just did a hike on the Granby Trails.

May 15: Granby Trails (Colorado)

After work I did a hike in the Granby Trails. I wasn't feeling well so sis somewhere close and easy and where I could be away from others.

May 14: Point 8606 (Colorado)

After work I did a hike to Point 8506. It was just a short hike, but I haven't been feeling well.

May 13: Peak 12,582 (Colorado)

On my way to my new work project I stopped and climbed Peak 12,582 (elevation in feet) on snowshoes. The views were nice, but the weather couldn't make up its mind. It was sunny, blizzardy, graupley, etc. depending on the minute.

May 12: Redlands Mesa (Colorado)

Mother's Day afternoon hike with Kessler, Kim, and me. We hiked on Redlands Mesa and say two collard lizards, several other lizards, two baby Rabbits, lots of cactus flowers, and of course Mr. Bones.

May 11: Wilhite Trail/Mesa Arch/Witbeck Rock (Utah)

First Kim and I hiked the Wilhite Trail in Canyonlands National Park. We hiked the most spectacular part of the trail which is down to the bottom of the Wingate Sandstone cliffs.

After the Wilhite Trail we hiked to Mesa Arch. It's a popular hike so there were a lot of people. It's a beautiful place.

I then climbed Whitbeck Rock just north of Canyonlands National Park. Kim didn't go to the top since she wasn't in the mood for a 4th class climb.


March 10: Mill Canyon (Utah)

After work Kim and I drove down to Mill Canyon and did the (very) short hike to the Dinosaur Tracks before setting up camp.

March 9: The Beehive (Colorado)

After work I climbed The Beehive near Mesa. It was nice to get a new peak in that isn't too far from home.

March 8: Highline Lake (Colorado)

After work Kim and I did a loop hike at Highline Lake. The reservoir was low so it wasn't as pretty as it normally was. It wasn't a wet enough year to make it green either.

May 7: Opal Hill (Colorado)

After work Kim and I climbed Opal Hill completing a loop hike. We saw three bald eagles.

May 6: Devils Canyon Loop (Colorado)

After work Kim and I hiked a loop hike at Devils Canyon near the high school (Fruita Monument) Kim works at.

May 5: Lower Monument Canyon (Colorado)

Kim, Justin, and I hiked up to Independence Monument and canyoneered Lower Monument Canyon. It is a beautiful route, but much wetter than expected with some cold near swims. I might be in trouble since I promised my wife a mostly dry canyon.

May 4: Three Canyon (Utah)

We did the canyoneering route through Three Canyon. Only the beginning and end is technical with a beautiful hike between. We also stopped at the cold water geyser.

May 3: Peak 5750/Eagles Nest Rock (Colorado)

Kim and I climbed Peak 5750 and Eagles Nest Rock on a nice evening. 

May 2: Cross Creek (Colorado)

After work I in Aguilar I headed home. I was going to do some Peak ascents on the way back, but found them to be blocked by private land, so I continued on stopping at Minturn to hike the Cross Creek Trail.
The Tigiwan Road was closed farther from the trailhead than I thought so I walked 1.5 miles each way to the Cross Creek Trailhead.
It wasn't the most exciting hike, but there were some entertaining squirrels to watch.


May 1: Dale Mountain (New Mexico)

After work I climbed Dale Mountain, a cinder cone volcano. Most of the snow is gone and was warm and windy. There were a lot of pronghorn out too.


April 30: Black Mountain (Colorado)

After work I climbed Black Mountain near Gardner on a perfect late afternoon/evening. The mountain itself is only average, but the views of the Sangre de Christos (including the north face of Blanca Peak and Ellingwood Point) and Wet Mountains are spectacular.

April 29: Aguilar SWA (Colorado)

After work I hiked in the Aguilar SWA up to the old mining ruins. It's not the most exciting hike in the world, but I was tired and didn't want to drive anywhere.

April 28: Hermit Peak (New Mexico)

I'm on the summit of Hermit Peak (New Mexico) right now. Despite being only 10,273 feet (3131 meters) it is quite a spectacular mountain with great views. It was a really nice hike with perfect weather.

April 27: Las Mesas del Conjelon West (New Mexico)

After work (I had to work earlier today) I climbed Las Mesas del Conjelon West. It was a tedious bushwhack up the north face, but I found a brushy and rugged game trail partway down. The views were OK, but it's not on my repeat list.

April 26: Cuerno Verde Trail (Colorado)

After work I hiked the Cuerno Verde Trail around Lake Martin at Lathrop State Park. It was a long day at work, so I couldn't start until sunset, but it's a super easy 3 mile hike.

April 25: Boyd Mountain (Colorado)

After work I climbed Boyd Mountain. Since the mountain is 10,394' high and below timberline it was thickly forested so views were somewhat limited, but there were some mice views ar times. It was a very steep ascent and it snowed on the way down.

April 24: Peak 7091 (Colorado)

After work I climbed Peak 7091. I'm loving these longer days.

April 23: Simpson's Rest (Colorado)

After work I climbed hiked up Simpsons Rest above Trinidad. There's a road up there, but I walked from town. It was a nice sunset.

April 22: Dale Mountain (New Mexico)

After work I climbed Dale Mountain, a cinder cone. The snow is mostly gone except for in the small crater.

April 21: Frijoles Canyon  (New Mexico)

I hiked up to the Alcove House and up Frijoles Canyon to Upper Crossing in Bandelier National Monument. There weren't as many ruins as yesterday's hike, but it was a beautiful walk. A lot of rambunctious squirrels provided some bonus entertainment.

April 20: Cerro Grande/Pueblo Loop Trail (New Mexico)

In the morning I climbed Cerro Grande. It was foggy and cold at first and the trees were covered in ice, but once the sun came out the clouds dissipated and it warmed up quick. The only obstacles were crossing several snowfields which was a bit tedious. Along the hike I saw many elk and birds as well as heard something howling loudly. It didn't sound like a coyote or dog, so I don't know what is was.

I still had time in the afternoon so hiked around the main Pueblo at Bandelier National Monument. The ruins and cave houses (about 1000 years old) of the Ancestral Pueblo are some of the best around and are quite impressive. The scenery was great too.


April 19: Chiflo Trail (New Mexico)

After work I hiked the Chiflo Trail at the Rio Grand. The lighting wasn't the best for photos.

April 18: Dale Mountain (New Mexico)

After work I climbed Dale Mountain. It was a bit cloudy and chilly at times, but the first of the spring wildflowers are out.

April 17: Peak 7091 (Colorado)

After work I climbed Peak 7091 on a really nice evening.

April 16: Levasa Canyon/Reilly Canyon Trails (Colorado)

April 15: South Monarch Ridge (Colorado)

On my way to my project at Aguilar (CO) I stopped at Monarch Pass to climb the South Monarch Ridge. It was super windy and much colder than it has been lately. It started to snow hard on the descent as well.

May 13-14: Larry Canyon (Utah)

May 13

Kim and I explored Middle and Lower Larry Canyon in Robbers Roost.

On Day 1 we started from Larry Point and found our way to the hidden route in that I found back in March 2000.  It was more difficult than I remembered though so we retreated and hiked across the slickrock on the rim down canyon until we found a bighorn sheep trail in.  This was a long route, but had much less exposure.

After reaching the bottom of the canyon we headed down and completed the lower technical section of Larry Canyon.  It was wetter than expected and I should have brought dry bags since everything got wet.  

We completed the three rappels and challenging section of the canyon (which was very beautiful) before finding a nice sandy campsite with some rocks to spread everything out in.  There was a nice spring nearby too and it was a great campsite. Everything was almost dry by the time we went to bed.

May 14

In the morning we packed up camp and headed down Larry Canyon (which is quite pretty) to near the Dirty Devil River and to the exit canyon.  An impressive cattle trail (100 or so years old?) reaches the rim here, but it looks improbable from below.   We then found our way back to the vehicle in six hours.  The only major challenge was the routefinding.  

May 12: Black Mountain [Huerfano County] (Colorado)

After work I and on my way home from my project I stopped to climb Black Mountain in Huerfano County. It was a longer hike than expected since the road is still snowed in. My boots fell apart on the descent, but it was a nice mountain with good views.

April 11: Fishers Peak Trails (Colorado)

After work I hiked at Fishers Peak State Park and made a loop of the Lower Lone Cub, Upper Lone Cub, and Fishers Peak Trail, getting back just after sunset.  They were really nice trails in Colorado's newest state park.

April 10: Apishapa Canyon (Colorado)

After work I headed for Apishapa Canyon. I didn't bring a good map so hiked Apishapa Canyon between Buckletton Canyon to Orr Canyon, which was partially outside the SWA and was not my intended destination. I didn't figure out where I hiked until after the fact.

April 9: Capulin Volcano/La Boca Trail (New Mexico)

I got up early and climbed Capulin Volcano and hiked La Boca Trail before work.

April 8: Aguilar SWA (Colorado)

It was a rough day at work and I didn't have the energy for something overly spectacular. I just hiked in the Aguilar SWA for an hour. The scenery is sort of boring, but it was a nice break.

April 7: Horse Mountain (Colorado)

Kim and I climbed Horse Mountain near Palisade via the south side.

April 6: Devils Canyon Loops (Colorado)

Kessler, Shaylee, Kim and I hiked some loops at Devils Canyon. It was windy and snowed a little, but it was a nice hike.

April 5: South Monarch Ridge (Colorado)

On the way back from my project I stopped to climb South Monarch Ridge (Peak 11,912' elevation). It's super windy and I'm on the summit now. Even though I've been averaging 70 hour work weeks I haven't missed a day of hiking and climbing yet.

April 4: Dale Mountain (New Mexico)

After work I climbed Dale Mountain before sunset.  It was much easier than my February 22 ascent.

April 3: Peak 7091 (Colorado)

After work I climbed Peak 7091. I tried to make it by sunset but didn't and am on the summit now. Unfortunately I have to go back to work after I get down, making a 17 hour work day.


April 2: Cuerno Verde Trail (Colorado)

After work I hiked the Cuerno Verde Trail.  Yesterday's snow has already melted.

April 1: Cuerno Verde (Colorado)

n the evening I hiked the Cuerno Verde Trail. It was snowing hard.   With the wet snow blowing in my face it was surprisingly challenging for such a gentle hike.


March 31: Peak 5750/Eagles Nest Rock (Colorado)

In the evening we climbed Eagles Nest Rock and Peak 5750.   The weather looked threatening, but it only rained on the short drive.

March 29-30: South Caineville Mesa (Utah)

March 29

After work o Kessler and I headed to South Caineville Mesa to climb it and camp on top. I got stuck in quicksand up to be belly trying to cross the Fremont River. It took me a long time to get out (nad was unnerving) so we lost two hours and didn't make it to the top of the mesa until after dark.

March 30

After a very windy night we spent the day exploring on top finding lots of cool stuff (historic sites and views) before descending in the evening.


March 28: Saddlehorn/Window Rock (Colorado)

After work Kim and I climbed Saddlehorn and hiked to Window Rock.

March 27: RB-18/Tunnel Point (Colorado)

After work RB-18 BM (Peak) and Tunnel Point.

March 26: Peak 5750/Eagles Nest Rock (Colorado)

After work I climbed Eagles Nest Rock and Peak 5750. There was a little rain and snow, but it was a nice hike.

March 25:  James Robb/Colorado River State Park (Colorado)

After work Kim and I hiked the trails James Robb/Colorado State Park after biking from the Park to Loma and back along the Colorado River Trail.
They were super mellow trails, both for hiking and biking.

March 24: Canal Trail (Colorado)

In the evening Kim and I hiked the Canal Trail.  It rained most of the day, but tapered off by evening.

March 23: Tenderfoot Hill (Colorado)

About 1/2 way back from driving from my work project to home Kim and I stopped in Salida to climb Tenderfoot Hill (a.k.a. Lookout Mountain).   We took the Frontside Trail up and the backside trail down.

March 22: Cucharas Canyon/Wilson Crossing (Colorado)

After work Kim and I hiked to the bottom of the Cuchara Canyon near Walsenburg. An old trail goes down to the river here, but it was mostly abandoned years ago. We also checked out the abandoned homestead on the rim. It appears to have been a pretty fancy house for a homestead.

March 21: Cuerno Verde (Colorado)

After work Kim and I hiked the Cuerno Verde Trail near Walsenburg Colorado.

March 20: Capulin Volcano/Mud Hill (New Mexico)

After work Kim and I climbed Capulin Volcano, hiked into the crater, and climbed Mud Hill Volcano.

March 19: Rim Rock Trail (Colorado)

After work and on my way to my work project Kim and I stopped at Black Canyon to hike the Rim Rock Trail.

March 18: Echo Canyon Trail (Colorado)

After work Kim and I hiked the Echo Canyon Trail.

March 19: Rabbits Ear Mesa (Colorado)

Kim, Justin, and I hiked Rabbit's Ear Mesa making the loop hike.

March 16: Ribbon Trail (Colorado)

Justin, Kim, and I hiked the Ribbon Trail. We were going to start in the morning, but decided to go axe throwing first to wait for it to stop raining so we could get better views. We started in the early afternoon and completed the trail.

March 15: Peak 5167 (Colorado)

After work I climbed Peak 5167. It was a cloudy, but pretty nice day.

March 14: Peak 5750/Eagles Nest Rock (Colorado)

After work Kim and I hiked up Peak 5750 and Eagles Nest Rock. It rained on the hike down.

March 13: Dillon Pinnacles (Colorado)

My work project got shut down due to a snowstorm so I headed home and hiked the Dillon Pinnacles near Gunnison around sunset. It was very windy, a bit chilly, and rather gloomy, but it wasn't snowing.

March 12: Cuerno Verde (Colorado)

Nothing exciting, but after work I hiked the 3 mile Cuerno Verde Loop around Martin Lake. I got back well after dark and that's all I had time for.

March 11: Haystack 3 BM (Colorado)

I started early and climbed Haystack 3 BM before work.

March 10: The Washout/Unaweep Canyon (Colorado)

Kim, Kessler, Chad, and I hiked up to the Washout in Unaweep Canyon for some rock climbing. Kessler's knee was hurting so he only did one climb while the rest of us did 3 each.  Chand and I climbed Menta, Caveman Tools, and Grasshoper; Kim climbed Caveman Tools, Grasshopper, and Exultant; and Kessler climbed Caveman Tools.

March 9: Serpents Trail/Colorado River Trail (Colorado)

Kim and I hiked 1/2 of the Serpents Trail. We only hiked half since we wanted to bike the Colorado River Trail, which we did after the Serpents Trail.

March 8: Peak 5611 (Colorado)

My work project was shut down due to a snowstorm so I got to.come home early. I climbed Peak 5611 in the edge of Debeque Canyon. It was a nice semi-challenging peak. There's supposed to be a Class 2+ route up there, but since I came across a class 4 route I didn't bother looking for it.

March 7: Dead Bird Trail (Colorado)

My work project was getting shut down for weather so I hiked 1 mile along the Dead Bird Trail near Salida on my way home. That's all I had time for and was the shortest hike I've done so far this year.

March 6: Cuerno Verde (Colorado)

After work I hiked the Cuerno Verde Trail.

March 5: Capulin Volcano (New Mexico)

After work I hiked Capulin Volcano.

March 4: TV Hill SWA (Colorado)

After work and starting at sunset I hiked in the TV Hill State Wildlife Area next to work. It is nothing special by Colorado standards, but the sunset was nice.

March 3: Badito Cone (Colorado)

I climbed Badito Cone. It's a beautiful peak with some tedious talus at the end. It was super windy, but not enough to knock me down.t. The forecast said 75 mph winds, but I'd guess 55-60 (74 mph is considered hurricane force winds). Perhaps it sounds like a good time to stay indoors, but it's hard for me to do that.

Much of Colorado is having a snowstorm, but it missed here. Even though the peak is almost 9000 feet high there wasn't much snow around.

March 2: Sierra Grande/Little Grande (New Mexico)

I had to work in the morning, but after work headed for Sierra Grande and Little Grande, climbing both. I had to get permission to go here, but was granted when I applied a while ago. Both peaks had nice views. I took the off trail route to Sierra Grande from the east since that's the easier side to get permission to climb.

It was very windy and at times a little unpleasant, but it was tolerable.

March 1: South Rattlesnake Butte (Colorado)

After a long day at work and in the dark I climbed South Rattlesnake Butte. My route up was class 3 which probably wasn't the best idea at night. I found a class 2 route down.


February 29: Capulin Volcano (New Mexico)

I had to be in Trinidad in the morning so I woke up early in order to climb Capulin Volcano as soon as it opened.

Febraury 28: Aguilar State Wildlife Area (Colorado)

After work I hiked in the Aguilar State Wildlife Area. I'm officially on 74 hour work weeks until mid-April so now have to do most of my hikes olin the dark, though I'll make time for as many as I can in the light. I got a little light on my hike, but I almost never get good night photos with the cellphone.

February 27: Apishapa Canyon (Colorado)

After work I headed to Apishapa Canyon in the Apishapa State Wildlife Area and hiked the rim between Jones Lake Canyon and the Apishapa River Canyon. My original plan was to hike down to the canyon bottom and explore around a bit, but blizzard conditions came quick and I decided I'd better do something shorter. I don't mind hiking in blizzards, but the roads are impassible when wet so I could chance getting stuck.

February 26: Peak 7091 (Colorado)

After work I climbed Peak 7091.

February 25: Picketwire Canyon (Colorado)

I hiked Picketwire Canyon/Purgatorie River in Colorado. Even though it was only an 11 mile, mostly easy hike my feet are sore from working 62 hours this week while doing hikes every day after work. I camped at the trailhead and didn't get much sleep due to wind and allergies.
Picketwire Canyon is only so-so scenery wise, but has the largest collection of dinosaur tracks (over 1900 of them at at count) in North America (though some were covered with debris from last year's spring runoff). There's also an exact replica of a huge dinosaur shoulder blade that was removed here a few years ago (the replica was left in its place).
In addition there's an old Hispanic settlement dating to 1870-1899 with a tiny old church and sadly children's graves around the church.
The nearest weather station registered 76 degrees today, but looking at the map was 1300 feet higher in elevation than the destination of the hike. That means it was probably at least 80 here. It did not feel like winter and was actually almost hot since there is no shade on the hike.

February 24: Santa Fe Trail/Vogel Canyon (Colorado)

I had to work today (ugh) so got a late start. First I did the Santa Fe Trail, but didn't have time to hike the whole thing. It is interesting from a historical standpoint only as the scenery is monotonous. That part of Colorado looks like western Kansas.

After that I hiked Vogel Canyon. Sadly, this hike was disappointing. It was ok scenery wise (average), but all the peroglyphs were vandalized. I looked for a bunch of panels until dark, but it was always the same. I then did the rest of the loop with the canyon and the Rim Trail in the moonlight.
I wished I would have switched the two hikes since more daylight would have been nice for the canyon hike and the prairie hike would have been more interesting under the moonlight.


February 23: Peak 7091 (Colorado)

After work I climbed Peak 7091. I didn't get to the summit until well after sunset and came down in the dark. Luckily the moon was really bright. Unluckily it wasn't quite bright enough to keep me from tripping over a piece of barbed wire.

February 22: Dale Mountain (New Mexico)

I got up really early and climbed Dale Mountain (just inside NM) before work. I should have brought snowshoes, but didn't which made it a strenuous trip for a such a benign looking mountain. It was a lot of postholing!

February 21: Aguilar SWA (Colorado)

After work I hiked around the Aguilar State Wildlife Area without a real destination; just wanderings. By Colorado standards, scenery was average at best, but it was nearby. I found some more very old and mostly gone mining cabins from the 1800s.

February 20: The Hogback (Colorado)

At night I climbed The Hogback.

February 19: Peak 5750 (Colorado)

Kessler and I climbed Peak 5750 and Eagles Nest Rock before I had to head out of town for work.

February 18: Fisher Towers/North Fork Onion Creek (Utah)

Andre, Kim, and I traversed the ledges from Lizard Rock to Doric Column and then descended the North Fork or Onion Creek. We were originally going to climb some of the towers, but it was snowing when we started.

February 17: Gunnison Bluffs/Old Spanish Trail (Colorado)

Kim and I hiked a loop combining the Gunnison Bluffs and Old Spanish Trail. It was quite as pretty as some of the other local areas, but it was a great hike. We saw river otters, geese, and ducks.

Febraury 16: Opal Hill (Colorado)

After work Kim and I hiked the loop over Opal Hill.

February 15: Cuerno Verde Trail (Colorado)

After work I and on my way home (7+ hour drive) I stopped at Lathrop State Park and hiked the Cuerno Verde Trail around Martin Lake. That put me home really late though.

February 14: Peak 7091 (Colorado)

After work I climbed Peak 7091, finishing just after dark. Since the part of Colorado (Aguilar) I'm working in now (until April) has a lot of private land issues, I'm already running out of new places and am doing repeats.

February 13: Capulin Mountain/Lava Flow Trail/Boca Trail (New Mexico)

After work I climbed Capulin Mountain and then around sunset the Lava Flow Trail and part of the Boca Trail. The trails are supposed to be closed after dark so that's all I had time for.  I saw lots of deer on the mountain.

February 12: Peak 7091 (Colorado)

After work I climbed Peak 7091. It was a combination of snow, cactus, and wind.

February 11: Lake Rita Blanca (Texas)

I was originally hoping to hike at Palo Duro, but it was closed due to snow so I stopped at Lake Rita Blanca near Dalhart Texas on my way back to Colorado. It was snowing at first, but some blue sky peeked out later. I planned to hike all the way around the lake, but the creek flooded the trail in one spot since the ice and slush formed a dam and I didn't feel like wading. There were a lot of geese at the lake.

February 10: Palo Duro Canyon (Texas)

First I hiked the CCC Trail; then I climbed Goodnight Peak, and after that hiked the Lighthouse Peak Trail, climbed to the summit of South Lighthouse Peak (a bit spooky), then hiked the Givens, Spicer, and Lowrey Trail.

They were nice hikes with some nice rock formations, but not quite as impressive as the canyon country in Utah or northern Arizona. It was still great to visit a new area that I haven't seen before.


February 9: Baldy Hill/Peak 5610 (New Mexico)

I decided not to drive accross the Rockies during the blizzard so head Southeast instead. After work and on my way to Palo Duro I stopped to climb Baldy Hill and Peak 5610 in New Mexico. I had originally hoped to climb three peaks, but these were slightly more challenging than I expected so I didn't get the the top of the 2nd until sunset. It was dark by the time I finished.

February 8: Simpson's Rest (Colorado)

After work I hiked up Simpson's Rest near Trinidad. Although you can drive within a few feet of the top, I hiked it from town.

February 7: Aguilar SWA (Colorado)

After work I hiked in the Aguilar State Wildlife Area without a real destination, but just wandering around. Scenery was just average and I found some old mine ruins. Since it was either dark or mostly dark I didn't get many photos.  I saw many deer as well.

February 6: Cuerno Verde Trail (Colorado)

After work I hiked the Cuerno Verde Trail, a 3 mile trail around Martin Lake near Walsenburg. Since it was already after sunset by the time I left and since it was cloudy I didn't get many photos.  It was well after dark by the time I finished.

February 5: Haystack 3 BM (Colorado)

Before heading off to my project in the morning I climbed Haystack 3 BM.  It was windy, but with mostly clear skies.

February 4: County Line Trails/Point 10,845 (Colorado)

In the afternoon Kim and I snowshoed up to Point 10,845 (elevation) up on Grand Mesa. It was a fantastic winter day.

February 3: Riggs Hill (Colorado)

Kim and I hiked Riggs Hill. We didn't have time for a longer hike today.

February 2: Dinosaur Hill (Colorado)

After work Kim and I met at Dinosaur Hill and hiked the loop. We got back just before it started raining.

February 1: Lost Trail/Dead Bird Trail (Colorado)

After work and on my way home from my project I stopped near Salida and made a loop hike of the Lost and Dead Bird Trails. It was after dark by the time I got back.


January 31: TV Hill (Colorado)
After work I climbed TV Hill near Aguilar. Despite being named "hill", it was a quite tedious ascent and not very pleasant either with lots of bushwhacking, steep loose slopes, and snow (not the fun kind). I got back well after dark. I climbed it since it is one of the few public access peaks around here (I'm working in Aguilar). At least it made me appreciate home.
January 30: Hogback Trail/William Henry Jackson Trail (Colorado)

After work I hiked the Hogback and William Henry Jackson Trails at Lathrop State Park. It was a beautiful evening and the days are (slowly) getting longer.
January 29: Capulin Volcano (New Mexico)

Early and before work I climbed Capulin Volcano on a nice morning.
January 28: PIcture Canyon/North Canyon/Homestead Trail (Colorado)

I did a 9.1 mile loop (including side trips) at Picture Canyon, North Canyon, and the Homestead Trail on the Colorado/Oklahoma border.
There were pictographs from the 1600s and 1700s (I assume that's where Picture Canyon gets its name), so e nice rock formations and arches, and some old abandoned homesteads dating back to the 1910s and 1920s. The trails must not be used much since they were mostly faded which made for a navigational challenge.
I also saw lots of camera shy elk and some even more camera shy coyotes and pronghorn.

January 27: Black Mesa/Cimmaron County Prominence Highpoint/Dinosaur Tracks/North Canyon/Archeological Trail/Canyon Rim Trail/Rock Garden Trail (Oklahoma)

First I visited the petrified forest and then hiked hiked up Black Mesa, the highest point in Oklahoma. The standard hike is 8.5 miles, but I went beyond the end (towards New Mexico) to get to the new highpoint so got just over 9 miles. About half the trail was on snow and there was mud as well, but it went pretty fast considering the distance.
I then inquired locally about climbing the Cimmaron County Prominence Highpoint (peak) and climbed that. It wasn't that hard, but was a steep off trail climb. It had a better viewpoint than Black Mesa.
After that I headed for Lake Carl Etling, visited the dinosaur tracks, and hiked the North Canyon Trail, Archeological Trail, Rock Garden Trail, and Canyon Rim Trail. I saw deer and wild turkeys. Since I don't know if I'll ever get back to Oklahoma I decided to see and hike as much today as I could.

January 26: Carrizo Canyon/Baca County Prominence Highpoint (Colorado)
My project in Aguilar (near Trinidad Colorado) got shut down due to blizzard conditions and the roads to get home were closed or treacherous so I decided to head east instead. I headed for Black Mesa State Park in Oklahoma to camp, but stopped along the way to hike Carizzo Canyon and then climb the Baca County Prominence Highpoint (the lengthy name for the peak) in SE Colorado.
Eastern Colorado and Oklahoma is usually a place I don't ever think of going, but there are a few interesting things to see.
The loop trail at Carrizo Canyon was pretty enough and had some nice petroglyphs (some were hard to see). The only difficulty was one icy Creek crossing.
The Baca County Prominence HP was a nice and pretty short scramble, but fresh snow made it treacherous.
The only real nerve racking part of today were the muddy, snowy, and slippery unpaved County roads between Kim Colorado and the Oklahoma border.
Other than that it was nice to see some new territory.

January 25: Spanish Peaks State Wildlife Area/Sarcillo Canyon Ridge (Colorado)

At night I headed to the Spanish Peaks State Wildlife Area and hiked the ridge north of Sarcillo Canyon.  There was an old jeep road along much of the ridge, but it was mostly covered in snow. It was snowing most of the time on the hike as well. I'd like to return in the daylight to check things out since it might be an interesting area.

January 24: Cuerno Verde Trail (Colorado)
After work I hiked the Cuerno Verde Loop around Martin Lake at Lathrop State Park. It was a nice hike, but nothing overly spectacular and was pretty short (3 miles) and easy. Since I started after sunset I didn't get any really good photos.
I'm working in the Aguilar (between Trinidad and Walsenburg) the next three months. This area isn't as good for hiking as back home; mostly due to private land issues and it can be frustrating at times, but I'll make do with what they have.

January 23: Capulin Volcano (New Mexico)
Early in the morning and before work I climbed Capulin Mountain.  The frost was a bit icy, but that was the only difficulty.

January 22: Dinosaur Hill (Colorado)
Kim and I hiked Dinosaur Hill before I had to leave out of town for work.  We did the loop hike and checked out the new trail.

January 19-21: Fourmile Canyon (Utah)

January 19
Kessler and I parked near the base of Mount Ellsworth in the Henry Mountains and went over a pass between Mount Ellsworth and Holmes before climbing down to Fourmile Canyon. We followed Fourmile Canyon to Fourmile Spring and set up camp near a small waterfall.
January 20

Today we followed Fourmile Canyon to Lake Powell and back.  It was a really long day as we did 17-18 miles.  It was a pretty hike.  There were some minor obstacles, but nothing difficult.

January 21

It rained all night so I didn't get much sleep.  In the morning it was still raining so we packed up camp and walked back to the vehicle.  The fog was thick at times so navigation was a little tricky, but it wasn't that bad.  

January 18: Peak 5750/Eagles Nest Rock/Sadie's/Devils Canyon Loop (Colorado)

Early this morning I climbed Peak 5750 and Eagles Nest Rock. After work Kim and I made a loop hike of Sadie's and Devils Canyon Trails.


January 17: Climbing Gym
January 16: Highline Lake (Colorado)
After work Kim and I hiked some loops at Highline Lake. It was after dark before we finished.  The weather was pretty good considering much of Colorado is having a cold snap.

January 15: Peak 5555/Dominguez Rim (Colorado)
Kim and I both had the day off, but still had a lot to do, so hiked to the summits of Dominguez Rim and Peak 5555. They are easy hikes (you can even 4x4 them if you really wanted too), but it was snowing hard and blowing hard at times as well. The snow didn't amount to anything though.
January 14: Serpents Trail (Colorado)

After church Kim and I hiked the Serpents Trail. This side of Colorado is warm and it was a nice hike.

January 13: Cedar Point/Main Fork Butler Canyon (Utah)

It was a refreshing 9 degrees at camp this morning so Kessler and I first walked to the highpoint and Overlook on Cedar Point before canyoneering the Main Fork of Butler Canyon. I hadn't done that one before so it was a good choice. There was more water and ice that expected so we had to do quite a bit if stemming to keep from wading and swimming. We didn't have a car shuttle so walked the full loop, bit it was a great trip.
January 12: Peak 4540/Butterfly Bend (Utah)

Kessler and I first climbed Peak 4540 (near Green River Utah) and then hiked to Butterfly Bend to look for petroglyphs.  We found many, but it was getting late so we had to get back.  There are many more to be found.

January 11: Opal Hill (Colorado)

After work KIm and I climbed Opal Hill, completing the loop hike.   It was a chilly, but nice afternoon.

January 10: Peak 5750/Eagles Nest Rock/Dinosaur Hill (Colorado)

I was finished with work a little early so I hiked Eagles Nest Rock and Peak 5750. After that I met Kim at the high-school (where she works) and we climbed Dinosaur Hill on the new trail.

January 9: Dillon Pinnacles (Colorado)
Driving back from Trinidad I stopped to hike the Dillon Pinnacles Trail again. I hiked 3/4 of the trail. Because of the clouds and lighting I didn't get any good photos.
January 8: Dillon Pinnacles (Colorado)

I had to drive a long way today (for work) so I only had time for a short hike. I stopped along the way and hiked a mile along the Dillon Pinnacles Trail (west of Gunnison) right when it was getting dark. It was very dark by the time I got back.  It was quite cold and windy.

January 7: Peak 5750/Eagles Nest Rock (Colorado)
In the afternoon Kim and I hiked Eagles Nest Rock and Peak 5750. It was snowy, but surprisingly we saw several other people. 

The snow definitely makes the peak feel different so it was a nice change of pace.  

January 5-6: Muley BM/Bullfrog Creek/Fourmile Creek/Clay Canyon (Utah)

Kim and I did a backpack at Bullfrog Creek and Clay Canyon. We combined it with Muley BM as well. It was the first backpacking trip of the year.

January 5

The plan was to combine Peak 5362, Bullfrog Creek, and Clay Canyon into a loop hike. Bad idea. First we climbed Peak 5362, having some nice views along the ridge and was a straightforeward off trail hike. The route into Bullfrog Peak from Peak 5362 was incredibly rugged and loose.  We set up camp at Fourmile Creek which had good water.

January 6

We hoped to make a loop hike and to make it up Clay Canyon.  Bad Idea.  We hiked down Bullfrog Creek, making several creek crossing and then headed up Clay Canyon. We made it all the way to the headwall in Clay Canyon (I thought we could find a way out), but the only route I was able to find out included a loose, dangerous, and exposed traverse. We decided not to chance it and backtracked the whole loop.Today was a 17 mile hike across rugged terrain, but with some easy hiking in the canyon bottoms themselves. We made it back well after dark. It was an adventure for sure.


January 4: Haystack 3 BM (Colorado)

Before work, Shaylee, Kessler, and I hiked Haystack 3 BM on a cloudy morning.  Luckily the snow stayed hard because of the clouds.

January 3: Peak 11,702 (Colorado)

On my way home from work, I stopped to climb Peak 11,702 (between the two Monarch Passes) and I'm posting this from the summit. I wanted to get there by sunset, but I got there a little too early for it. Since it was cold and windy and since I was tired I headed down about 20 minutes before sunset.

January 2: Peak 7091 (Colorado)

After work I climbed Peak 7091 near Walsenburg. It is one of the few public access mountains around here. The hike itself wasn't that impressive, but the views were nice.

January 1: East Fork Ribbon Canyon/Ribbon Canyon (Colorado)

Along with Kessler, Jocelyn, Mark, Maddog, and Cory, I took a canyoneering trip through East Fork Ribbon Canyon and Ribbon Canyon not far from where I live.  Conditions were fantastic (though we could use more snow!) with only a little snow and the potholes were east to cross since they were frozen solid.  As always, it was a beautiful canyon.


Accumulated Totals for 2024: 

Days that I went hiking or climbing: 150

Summits Climbed: 85

Summits Attempted: 85

New Summits Climbed: 29

New Summits Attempted:  29

States Hiked or Climbed in: 5

Countries Hiked or Climbed in: 1

Rock Towers/Technical Buttes Climbed: 0

Rock Towers/Technical Buttes Attempted:  0

Technical Rock or Ice Routes Climbed:  4

Technical Rock or Ice Routes Attempted: 4

Technical Canyons Completed: 7

Technical Canyons Attempted: 7

Overseas Summits: 0

Biking Days: 3

Weight Lost (lbs.): 0

Goals for 2024:

Days to go hiking or climbing on: 350

Summits: 150

New Summits: 60

States to hike or climb in: 6

Countries to climb summits in: 1

Rock Towers: 10

Technical Rock or Ice Routes: 30

Technical Canyons: 30

Biking Days: 30

Lose Weight (lbs.): 20 (currently at 262)


Highest Elevation Reached

12,582 feet (3705 meters) at Peak 12,582 (Colorado); May 13.

Highest Elevation Reached in USA

12,582 feet (3805 meters) at Peak 12,582 (Colorado); May 13.

Highest Outdoors Sleeping Altitude

5774 feet (1760 meters) at South Caineville Mesa (Utah); March 29-30.

Highest Outdoors Sleeping Altitude in USA

5774 feet (1760 meters) at South Caineville Mesa (Utah); March 29-30.

Highest Elevation Climbed To By Month

Month Feet (USA) Meters (USA)   Feet (World)
JAN 11,702 3567   11,702
7322 10,845 3306   10,845
MAR 8942 2726   8942
APR 11,912 3631   11,912
MAY 12,582 3805   12,582


Highest Outdoors Sleeping Altitude by Month

Month Feet (USA) Meters (USA)   Feet (World) Meters (World)
JAN 5700 1737   5700 1737
FEB 4633 1412   4633 1412
MAR 5774 1760   5774 1760
APR 4230 1289   4230 1289
MAY 4534 1382   4534 1382


May 1

Highest May ascent in New Mexico; 8490 feet (2588 meters) at Dale Mountain.

April 28

Highest April ascent in New Mexico; 10,273 feet (3131 meters) at Hermit Peak.  The previous April record for New Mexico was 10,199 feet (3109 meters) at Cerro Grande on April 20 2024.

February 22

Highest February ascent in New Mexico; 8490 feet (2588 meters) at Dale Mountain. The previous February record for New Mexico was 8182 feet (2494 meters) at Capulin Volcano on February 13 2024.

February 11

It wasn't much of a record, but Rita Blanca Trail at 3910 feet (1192 meters) was the highest I have hiked in February in Texas.  The previous February record for Texas was was 3411 feet (1040 meters) at CCC Trail on February 10 2024.

January 27

Highest ascent in Oklahoma; 4973 feet (1516 meters) at Black Mesa. 

January 26-28

Highest outdoor sleeping altitude in Oklahoma; 4311 feet (1314 meters) at Lake Carl Etling.

January 23

Highest January ascent in New Mexico; 8182 feet (2494 meters) at Capulin Volcano.


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