Between a Rock and a Hard Place


Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Page By redsplashman23
Page Type Jan 26, 2007 / Jan 26, 2007
Object ID 2197
Hits 4100

Product Description

Aron Ralston's story of a remote hike in Utah Canyons. An experienced outdoors enthusiast, Ralston ended up trapped by an 800-pound boulder wedged across his right forearm. This book tells his story how he made it out of this predicament. He also gives a biography of his life and stories behind trips to Yosemite and climbing many of Colorado's 14ers.

Published in Hardcover:
• September 2004
• 320 pages
• ISBN-10: 0743492811
• ISBN-13: 9780743492812

Published in Paperback:
• August 2005
• 368 pages
• ISBN-10: 074349282X
• ISBN-13: 9780743492829



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Alan Ellis - Jan 26, 2007 2:50 pm - Voted 1/5

I respect and admire Ralston for his experience. However, I thought the book was poorly written and boastful. It would have been much better with a humble approach. I didn't finish the book.

Dean - Jan 28, 2007 3:21 pm - Voted 3/5

Not one for my wife
The initial part of this book is filled with stories of his narrow escapes. An encounter with a bear on an ill advised solo effort in the Teton wilderness, almost drowning in the Colorado river, a close call with an electrical storm on Humphries, and on and on.

The guy is pretty incredible but often his judgement seems to be suspect as far as what he was doing. I'm not sure how anyone can remember every detail of a climb or experience but then again, everyone has different abilities. His minute to minute account of the Blue John Canyon episode was chilling and like Alan Ellis, I did detect a form of boastfulness on Aron's part. Still, I found it an interesting read.

redsplashman23 - Feb 19, 2007 5:59 pm - Hasn't voted

So many close calls
This persons experiences can make one think of your own close calls you may have had and to think before attempting something to far in left field. A great read with some interesting experiences Aaron went through.

KirtDavis - Feb 20, 2007 4:46 pm - Voted 4/5

Good Read
Crazy guy should have never been alive to write a book with so many close calls. After seeing the interview on TV, he did seem kind of arrogant though, but after cheating death so many times...

2skinners - Jun 30, 2007 3:56 am - Voted 5/5

Interesting read
I enjoyed this book all the way through. Although I agree with everyone above that it seems a lot of his outings seemed to involve unneccessary risks. It was interesting how he weaved the story from moments while he was stuck right to remembering some of his past experiences. When he began to hallucinate, it gave me a unique perspective of what someone may feel as they are inching closer to death. My wife thinks he is an idiot, and I cannot disagree. However he has accomplished feats that very few can even dream of. To cut off his own hand took some serious intestinal fortitude. To go on and finish his quest to climb the remaining Colorado 14ers in the winter with an artificial hand is quite amazing, regardless of how many risks he was taking. Overall if you look past his mistakes, and perceived arrogance, this can be a decent book to read.

silversummit - Jan 30, 2009 9:18 am - Hasn't voted

I usually truly enjoy this type of book
and a friend kept recommending it to me for the whole summer so I finally picked it up and read it. Maybe some people can get something good from Ralston's experience but I was pretty much disgusted with his carefree bravado. Maybe it's because I have dealt with teenagers in my career and seen the results of this kind of continued behavior but I didn't like him as a person very much. He did a necessary act in cutting off his arm and it almost felt like he was growing up for awhile afterwards. We'll see over time!

Andrew Rankine - Jan 9, 2012 12:21 pm - Voted 2/5

worst climbing book I have read
I love climbing books. Until this book, I have never read a bad climbing book. This book was terrible, and the only respite was the occasional flashback to a previous experience. The movie was also a trainwreck.

jpsmyth - Mar 17, 2012 8:32 pm - Voted 5/5

Enjoyed it a lot
I thought both the book and the movie were very good. Maybe he pushes the limits but I didn't find him arrogant.

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