Surya Chaur Hiking

Surya Chaur Hiking

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Activities Activities: Hiking

Surya Chaur Hiking 

Surya chaur a best hiking destination for a splendid Lantanag Himalayan scenery

Langtang himalayan range

Nepal is known as a best destination for hiking. The Himalayan nation has a more than 6,000 Peaks on its north border linking with Tibet. In this range there are 8 peaks including Mt Everest. Hiking to the Himalaya might take long time but that tourist who have a very short period and want to enjoy the Himalayan scenery Surya chaur is best option.  Surya chaur is  the super  view point  of the chain of Mountain like Mt Manaslu 8167 meter , Mt.Ganesh Himal, Mt.Langtang Lirung, Mt.Dorje Lakpa and holy  Gauri Shanker peak.  This is also very quite so you can enjoy over here. The green hill around surya chaur eliminate your fatigue and bring you new energy. As you are in the top of the hill you can observe the far distance from there. The country side of Nuwakot is perfectly visible from here. Surya Chaur is wide and flat hillock. This might be perfect options after you do hard trek such as Everest Base camp trek, Annapurna base camp trek and many other trek


Location of surya chaur

The magnificent view point surya chaur is located in the north of Kathmandu along the Dipendra Highway. This is a part of Shiva Puri National Park. Situated in the elevation of  2100m is a perfect destination for viewing the entire valley of Kathmandu and Nuwakot Likhu Phat.

Getting Surya Chaur

Surya Chaur is very near from Kathmandu. There is a Local bus service up to Thana Bhanjyang. The bus is available from samakhusi chowk Kathmandu and  goes up to the Gurje mod. If you go through local bus you have to leave the bus here. Before Thana Bhanjyang there is a check post where you get the entrance permit of National park. You must take the permit with you. There is a wide trekking trail up to the surya chaur which might take 1 hour to be there. If you are willing to bring the private vehicle like 4*4 wheel that goes up to the top of Surya chaur . You may also use the local taxi. It is up to you.

Weather and plan 

The hiking is very best when weather is perfect. The Himalayas can be seen if there good weather otherwise it is less worthy. The north side of Kathmandu must be clear before you start your hike. It does not take more than 4-5 hours so you can start any time you like. But I recommend you to do after breakfast early in the morning. The weather generally good early in the morning.

People and culture 

Surya chaur is located at hillock so you must visit the village if you want to know about local culture and traditions . There is village called Gurung Gaun where you can see mix culture of Tamang and Gurung People. Most of the people in the village perform different types of cultural and ritual ceremonies but you must be lucky to see this. Barakhi and weeding ceremonies are special.

Hiking preparation

 Hikers are required to wear a warm jacket and trousers or comfortable any kind of pants.  Since it is on the hillock, quite windy. Often people feel very cold here. If you are going to spend few moments here then it’s good idea to bring warm jacket too. It is 12 months cold area.

Food and accommodation

A hiker often goes there for 2-3 hours. That is the reason there is no good accommodation but there is good local restaurant where you will get the typical Nepali food as well as some western food too.

Drinking Water

It is very necessary to bring the drinking water with you. You can get mineral water in Kathmandu before you start your hiking. Untill Surya chaur you can’t buy the mineral water.   

Get back from Surya chaur

If you have a private vehicle then it is not a problem for you to back Kathmandu. If you  go there through public vehicle don’t worry . First of all you should come to army check post. Tell them to stop the bus they will definitely help you to find the local bus from there to Samakhusi Kathmandu. You can then take taxi.

Managing this you can do perfect small hiking.

Enjoy your hiking Good Luck


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