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Koskulak: partner wanted

Posted by kong on Mar 18, 2007
Page Views: 1247

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
Location: United States
City or Place: FESTUS, MO 63028
Skill Level: Beginner
Categories: Mountaineering
Partner Status: Want Partners



I have a group of 3-pax to Koskulak confirmed. The period is from August 7(BC)- August 19 leaving BC.

Please join us to share the cost.

Besides, I have some small groups to Muztagh ata in July and August, You may join to any of them.

Emails: climb7546@yahoo.com.cn



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Hello, this is Marcos Fernandez-Moya from Spain. I´m a 32 years old
mountain snowboarder who really would like to go with you to Koskulak
next summer. I don´t know if I have enough experience in this kind of
activity. I´ve to tell you that I don´t work as a guide or something
similar (in fact I´m a teacher in Madrid), but last years i´ve trained
climbing next mountains and going down with my snowboard:

Sierra de Guadarrama (my local mountain in Spain): Alto del Telegrafo
(1978m), Septimo Pico (2138m), Maliciosa (2227m), Alto de las
Guarramillas (2258m), Hermana Menor (2269m), Hermana Mayor (2284m),
Cabeza de Hierro Menor (2376m), Peña Lara (2428m).

Pyrenees: Pic de Belonseiche (Spain-2293m), Bisaurin (Spain-2670m),
Staragne (France-3006m), Garmo Negro (Spain-3066m).

Alps: Grüblspitze (Austria-2395m), Monte Vallecetta (Italy-3148m),
Wildspitze (Austria-3774m), Breithorn (Switzerland-4164m).

Caucasus: Elbrus (Russia-5642m).

Andes: Nevado Copa Norte (Peru-6173m).

I have had a couple of non successful attempts (one mountain in
Pyrenees and another in Alps) but I don´t count those in my “CV”.
Please talk to me clearly, specially if you think that Koskulak is too
much for me. I´d like to go but I don´t know if you want a snowboarder
as a groupmate and I know too that mountain is a serious mountain for
his height. I trust you because I understand that you have much more
experience than I.
To finish I´ll tell you that I can go on 2009 summer. I think I´m in a
good moment now because I felt strong in the last mountains that I
climbed and I have been training in the gym and hiking for the last 8
I´m waiting for your answer and anyway I wish you success with your big goals.
email: marcos.fernandezdemoya@gmail.com
Posted Jun 21, 2009 2:23 pm

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