Page Type Gear Review
Object Title TFX SUMMIT 65+15
Manufacturer Lowe Alpine
Page By BigJordan
Page Type Aug 15, 2008 / Aug 15, 2008
Object ID 5529
Hits 5271

A Brief Desription....

A bright green outside with a black inside. Nice, Very nice. So nice in fact that I like to wear it around town. Dinner parties, evenings at the movies, and various business meetings to mention a few.

rugged. yes I said rugged I have thrown this thing against rocks, I have peed on this thing, I have been mauled by multiple marmots while wearing this thing, I have traveled in Dante's 7th circle of hell while wearing this thing, and have been involved in a knife fight at a local 7 eleven while wearing this thing, and still it holds up.

A head notch!!! Good lord I can finally look up. I have been trying to do this with other bags over the years and I had them stuffed with so much crap that I could never look up only down. All I used to see was the friggin' ground. Now I can see the mountains even if I stuff this thing with a crap load of useless crap that I'll never use and end up wondering why I brought it in the first place.


Volume: 80 L / 4900 cu in
Load Zone: 40 - 65 lbs / 18.1 - 29.5 kg
Weight: 7 lbs 3 oz / 3 kg 261 g
Torso: 16 - 23 inches / 41 - 59 cm
Back Panel: Molded
Access: Top / Bottom
Storage Grouping: 2 Compartments / 3 Pockets
Sleeping Bag Compartment: Yes
Hydration Compatible: Yes
Rain Cover: Yes
Frame: Tfx 9
Stays: 2
Compression Straps: 4
oh, and it has an adjustable back panel and a special air pump thing for extra customization.





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BigJordan - Aug 15, 2008 10:52 pm - Voted 5/5

Big, Bad, Beatiful
Wow! Just when I thought all hope was gone for a comfortable backpack along came this bad boy and my hope in backpacks had been restored. These tired eye's have been once again restored with hope and vigor that I have not felt since the early 70's. A beautiful green color, one that will bring a man to his knees and leave him in tears for what is seen with the naked eye is something so spectacular that it touches something deep within' the soul or heart if you will and brings it up to the surface in the form of a single tear. Or at least this was my experience. Then comes the real test. Is this going to be just another one of those products you buy that looks nice from the outside only to screw you in the long haul in terms of comfort... Well after giving this thing the preverbial test run I would have to say no. I have never felt such splendor touch my body since my summer of love in '99. It is to the point now that I no longer will sleep with my wife or lover for this bag has no replaced both of them and has become my soul mate. Perhaps this will happen to you. So be warned this thing has the potential to destroy relationships and take over your life, but I swear you will never find such a backpack as this one...

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