Page Type Gear Review
Object Title STABILicers
Manufacturer 32North
Page By CRiedel2
Page Type Feb 19, 2007 / Feb 19, 2007
Object ID 2644
Hits 4124

STABILicers Overview

STABILicers are a kind of strap on ice cleat. Not as aggressive as crampons, they are great for hiking, running and other general activity in icy conditions. Very good on flat terrain and moderate icy slopes. There are currently 4 different styles to choose from. See the link below for more information.

Product Link

32North Web Site



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CRiedel2 - Feb 19, 2007 7:08 pm - Voted 5/5

16 miles of use
I decided to get a pair of these after a recommendation on SP. They got a good test this weekend after the Valentines Day storm. These really worked great and I definitely feel they were a good investment. Not made for anything technical of course, such as steep slopes, ice climbing, etc. But they worked wonders while I hiked up in the mountains on icy trails. I felt sure footed the entire time. Very easy to put on and they fit me great. I kind of had doubts at first whether they would slip under my shoes, but they stayed put and gave me great traction.

nartreb - Jan 9, 2008 2:22 pm - Voted 3/5

I ordered Stabilicers by mail, looking for something more sturdy than my Yaktrax which I've been replacing every season because they keep breaking. I was surprised to find that Stabilicers actually weigh more than my crampons, which nearly defeats the purpose.
I tried them on a local trail run, found they weren't very comfortable with low-top, thin-soled shoes (the strap runs across the front of the ankle just where it's most painful when you're flexing). A bit of creative strap adjustment mitigated that problem, and they stayed attached despite the velcro barely overlapping in this new configuration. Traction was very good on icy crust and packed snow, but I'm convinced the weight slowed me down.
If you're just hiking nontechnical winter trails in boots and you don't own crampons, these will be great (and a lot cheaper). For something quick and light on, say, the approach to an ice climb, I'll stick with my Yaktrax after all.

Edit: I bought Katoohla Microspikes and am finally happy! They grip at least as well as the Stabilicers, weigh practically nothing, and take up less space in/on my pack.

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