Gu Energy Gel


Gu Energy Gel
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Gu Energy Gel
Manufacturer Gu Sports
Page By vertx
Page Type Jan 26, 2007 / Jan 26, 2007
Object ID 2262
Hits 8640

Gu is Food Too!

GU Energy Gel is specifically formulated to energize your body during exercise. Using GU will keep your muscles going strong. GU is quickly and efficiently absorbed, and will maintain your blood sugar at the optimal level.

GU Energy Gel contains maltodextrin, a complex carbohydrate which delivers energy to working muscles. GU also contains a balance of carbohydrates for the body during exercise: 80% complex/20% simple. It is this balance of maltodextrin and fructose in GU that delivers a quick rise in blood sugar and maintains that glucose level for up to 45 minutes during exercise.

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vertx - Jan 26, 2007 8:45 pm - Voted 5/5

Gu is food too!
This is the first thing (food) that goes in my pack for hiking, climbing, etc. So much power for so little weight. On long climbs I eat these on a regular basis all day long. Keeps you going and going and going. Its the Energizer bunny of energy food. The best thing is they do not freeze on cold climbs.

Steve Larson - Jan 26, 2007 10:40 pm - Voted 5/5

There's no accounting for taste
YMMV, but to me GU puts out the best-tasting energy gels on the market. I always carry a handful in my pocket, and suck them down at breaks. Clean, compact little packets of calories that are perfect for keeping the fire stoked. Especially in winter, I much prefer these to gnawing on half-frozen bars, etc. Now Fritos (mmmm--salt!), that's another story...

MelbaToast - Jan 28, 2007 4:50 am - Voted 5/5

I Like Power Gels
Haven't tried Gu but I will. The ones by the Power Bar folks are great. They work fast and taste fine. I like the Tangerine. The only problem I can see with gels at all is that the packets are sticky when you're done. Don't you dare throw them on the ground either! Get a ziploc baggie and keep 'em there til you get down. And that includes the top you tear off the packet, too!

Dean - Jan 30, 2007 12:27 am - Hasn't voted

Saved my Kings Peak ...
trip. When I ran out of energy on Kings Peak (see my Bonking on Kings Peak TR), it was GU packages, 4 of them that got me up and going again. I had another 3 on the rest of the effort up and down. Some may say these are expensive but I'd say, how expensive is it to travel all the way to some peak and then run out of energy and waste the trip. I'm a believer.

skagitteam - Feb 6, 2007 10:29 pm - Voted 5/5

These do what they are designed to do, but they are no substitute for real food. I use them for a quick burst of calories when stopping for more complex food isn't an option (I've used them extensively on long-distanct cycling trips and races, also) and they work well for that purpose.

BSPclimber - Feb 17, 2007 6:55 pm - Voted 5/5

Gu is good
These are great for people like myself that can't handle the nasty texture and taste of powerbars and clif bars, and usually can't eat 'normal' food on a hike or climb. Gives me plenty of energy to get the job done. I also use Clif Shot Bloks and those work almost as well.

Dennis Poulin - Feb 22, 2007 6:12 pm - Hasn't voted

Good Gu
When you can't gag down regular food, these are a great energy booster. Easy to eat while hiking so you don't have to stop. They come in assorted flavors, so pick something you like to eat. Dealing with the sticky wrapper after you are done is a problem.

Krylon - Mar 20, 2007 1:06 am - Hasn't voted

Quick Energy
I always keep two of these in my bag of core essentials. One trip to Foggy Peak I bonked on the return and these rallied me for several hours (proactive consumption would have worked a lot better). A plus is that they require relatively little water to effect gastric emptying.

Alan Ellis - Sep 18, 2007 9:26 pm - Voted 4/5

Good, but...
I like what Gu does for me, but there are two things I don't like: The mess afterward: They need to redesign the package to self seal or a way that it doesn't leak Gu all over the place when you're finished. really needs water to wash it down otherwise it leaves a sticky mess in your mouth for a long time.

stepho - Jan 26, 2008 3:37 pm - Voted 5/5

Energizing but all the flavors i have tried taste kind of bad. Gives you quick energy.

Casey Bates - Nov 11, 2009 3:27 pm - Voted 5/5

Gu is my best friend during an epic or an alpine start. I am pretty sensitive to caffeine but with GU I am able to get a solid energy boost without getting the jitters - except for the 2x caffeine espresso flavor...which gives me a fun but jittery buzz. I eat GU every hour at least on long climbs and supplement with bars. I have found other brands of gel that I like as well that are just a bit cheaper than GU, but GU is still my favorite of all the gels.

Guero - May 16, 2011 4:49 pm - Hasn't voted

New products are awesome - Roctane (bigger boost), Chomps (Gu chewies), and Gu Brew tablets. All are fantastic

awilsondc - Sep 8, 2012 10:53 pm - Voted 5/5

Perfect on the GO!
These are the best when energy is getting a low or you feel yourself dragging a little, but aren't ready to stop and rest. Suck down a GU and BOOM! A few minutes later you can feel the boost in energy and increase in stamina. I've even heard some guy say that he eats nothing but GU on overnighters! I'm not that crazy for them, but they do hit the spot when you need energy quick on a hike or climb.

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