EVEREST 50 years on top of the world


EVEREST 50 years on top of the world
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title EVEREST 50 years on top of the world
Manufacturer JarperCollinsPublishers Ltd.
Page By toc
Page Type Feb 25, 2007 / Feb 25, 2007
Object ID 2685
Hits 3992

Product details

Author: George Band
Publisher: HarperCollinsPublishers Ltd.
Language: English
Size: approx. 11*9 inches, 256 pages
Year: 2003.
ISBN: 0 00 714748 1

notes: 1st edition of the official publication celebrating the 50th anniversary of the first ascent of Everest in 1953.
written by the youngest expedition member.
Hardcover, dustjacket.
Used book available from AbeBooks, price range from $12.00 to 300 (one signed by Hillary)

Synopsis - under construction

synopsis and lightweight review will go here



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toc - Mar 25, 2007 4:10 pm - Hasn't voted

Lucrative edition
Sponsored by both the Royal Geographical Society and the Everest comitee, by publishing this book British decided to mark 50 years of their triumphal expedition in style. There is little of unpublished or unseen stuff in this book, but in terms of graphic layout, photos print quality and last but not least the size of the book, this is for sure one of the most luxurious looking mountaineering ever ever published. Book is written in competent manner. Autor (George Band)was himself member of the 1953. expedition, albeit he may be better known for making first successful climb ever of Kanchendzonga. It provides good, smooth reading. And for those who sample books for other reasons rather then reading, one must admit that this one looks commanding on the bookshelf as well

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