Clorin purification pills


Clorin purification pills
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Clorin purification pills
Page Type Jun 12, 2012 / Jun 12, 2012
Object ID 8236
Hits 2975
Pack with 30 pills. Each tablet 1 liter of purified water. Essential product for your hiking or trekking on ecological trails. Transforms the water of a river or waterfall unknown in drinking water and ready to drink. Protects you and your family from waterborne diseases untreated. The operation is simple: just put a pill for every 1 liter of water, wait 30 minutes and ready. The water is ready for consumption. Without contraindications, tested and approved for over 20 years. The works Clorin the basis of active chlorine, which is the substance most effective in fighting bacteria in the water.

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PAROFES - Jun 12, 2012 1:45 pm - Voted 5/5

Reading the article
by SPer Whitetail I realize that we need to point some important items here in SP for water purification asap.
So, as the most known member of Brazil and South America, I felt it was my duty to point to you guys the most popular and better water purifier you can find in my country. After all, we also have problems with dirty water, which can be questionable by N factors, including animal droppings, and human bad behaviour too.
So, this is what you need and find here in my country. Clorin.

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