Black Diamond Dynex Sewn Runners [ Sizes: Orig | Small | Thumb ]
Black Diamond Dynex Sewn Runners


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Dow Williams - Sep 6, 2009 5:46 pm - Hasn't voted

Improvement over Mammut...
over Mammut (which I have used for years) and I will tell the simple reason why...Mammut covers their stitching...which was done to allow ropes to run over the sling easier. I really don't thing that is an issue on a sling this size and was always a bit uncomfortable having any portion of my sling hidden. Too much rock fall in my next of the woods.

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Image Data

Submitted by Dow Williams
on Sep 6, 2009 5:45 pm

Image ID: 6348
Hits: 1124 Object Title: Black Diamond Dynex Sewn Runners